Te Aniwaniwa is a digital producer for Te Ao Māori News.
West Papuan independence advocate Octo Mote is in Aotearoa to gain traction and support for West Papua which has been under colonial rule by Indonesia for over 60 years.
Parties call to abandon the Marine and Coastal Area Act Coalition Changes after the Waitangi Tribunal found it to be committing gross breaches of the Treaty.
The Waitangi Tribunal has found Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act Coalition Changes to be a gross breach of the Treaty.
The Marianas is a North Pacific archipelago in Micronesia whose beautiful paradise is under threat from major US military plans.
The ACT leader has brushed off claims the bill is impacting New Zealand’s global standing.
The programme combines mātauranga Māori and western science.
As the Treaty principles bill nears being tabled in Parliament, ActionStation has launched its Together for Te Tiriti campaign in response.
Erica Stanford said the group would focus on lifting achievement for Māori learners and close the equity gap that has persisted for too long in the education system.
SkyCity casino agreed to close after breaching their harm minimization obligations after a gambler spent a total of $1million.
Students have arrived at Spark Arena for Ngā Manu Kōrero Nationals.