ACC's Māori advisers were part of the trials.
The government is causing more harm with its plan to limit the number of people who can attend the national apology for abuse in state care, survivors say.
Palestinians say UN vote on occupation is a step in the right direction and time to uphold international law - to sanction Israel and recognise Palestinian statehood.
Former Green MP Darleen Tana’s High Court challenge against the Green Party’s investigation into her conduct has failed.
Groups interested in the Whangārei coastline have had their evidence heard in the Whangārei High Court as part of the second phase of the Marine and Coastal Act applications.
Educational leaders across the Aotearoa are standing against the government after last week’s announcement to amend Section 127 of the Education and Training Act.
It came in response to a question from National MP David MacLeod, who asked if the organisation felt “restrained” by the legislation that governs it.
Minister Shane Jones agrees Te Pāti Māori’s point that an increase in the allowable commercial catch (TACC) for snapper would precipitate a breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Te Ohu wamted the judge to make an interim declaration that would restrict the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries’ power to increase allowable catches for now. He declined
The list, released for consultation, will form part of its mineral strategy which maps the potential and practicality of mining.