In 2022 claimants alleged the Crown didn’t sufficiently involve Te Rūnanga Nui or Kaupapa Māori.
Friday, July 26, 2024Kua puta te rīpoata a Te Rōpū Whakamana i te Tiriti mō WAI 1718, arā te kokoraho a Te Rūnanga Nui o Ngā Kura Kaupapa mō ngā kawenga a te Karauna i te arotake Tommorows Schools
Friday, July 26, 2024Te Pūtahi o Manurewa is a dream that has taken 20 years to achieve and will see the combining of both TKKM o Manurewa and Te Wharekura o Manurewa at the same campus.
Friday, July 5, 2024Ahakoa ngā panonitanga ki te mahere tuatahi, kei te harikoa ngā whānau kua whakaae te Minita kia tīmata ai ngā mahi
Thursday, June 6, 2024Te KKM o Te Whānau Tahi will fly the kura Māori flag at this year's National Secondary Schools Volleyball tournament in Palmerston North
Monday, March 18, 2024Kei te hui anō ngā Kura Aho Matua ki Kaiwhaiki Marae, te wāhi i tū ai te hui tuatahi a Te Rūnanga Nui i te 1994.
Friday, March 15, 2024Tinetti says kura Māori could drop in priority because their architecture tried to incorporate tikanga concepts.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024Papakura finally has its own kuru kaupapa.
Friday, February 9, 2024