E ai ki a Hone Harawira te kaiwhakahāere i te pō mekemeke "Fight for P" i Kaitaia, i karangahia ngā kēnge me ngā mema katoa o te hapori ki te kaupapa hei huarahi whakatikatika i te raruraru nui nei. Engari, e ai tā Winston Peters, mema pāremata o Northland e mōhio whānuitia ana ko ngāi Hainamana me ngā kēnge Māori kei te whakahaerengia ngā tauhokohoko P me tāna e ui atu ana, he pēhea te tika o te huinga mekemeke rā.
E māharahara ana a Winston Peters mō tēnei kaupapa kohi pūtea.
Hei tā Peters, "It's commonly known that the P industry in this country is controlled by the Chinese and Māori gangs, so it is one of irony I suppose, however, if something out of it could be changed then maybe there's a positive side to it. But let's face the facts nothing that I've seen thus far changes my impression of it."
E ai tā ngā Pirihimana, kei runga noa atu te raruraru P, ā, ko ia hoki kei te kōpū o ngā mahi tukino i te takiwā.
Hei tā Harawira "Ko te mahi kia mutu rā anō te urunga mai o te P mai i Haina mā te whare paremata, tērā te take e hiahia ana au te hoki atu. Kia whakaturengia i te kore uru mai o te P nā te Hainamana.
E ai ki a Hone Harariwa, ko tēnei te tuatahi o ngā kaupapa pēnei nā i te rohe, hei tāna anō, i karangahia te hapori katoa kia hiki ake tēnei take.
“Mō te kēnge, e tika ana kia mōhio mena e hiahia ana koe kia tautoko i te kaupapa te whakakahoretia te P, haere mai ki roto i tōku whare, ahakoa kēnge koe, ahakoa tangata, wahine, ahakoa nō te hāhi, ahakoa nō te whare pirihimana, ahakoa nō te reo irirangi o te hiku o te ika, ahakoa nō hea mena e tautoko ana koe i te kaupapa haere mai, haere mai, haere mai."
Hei tā Peters, "It comes down to this, did it have a genuine purpose, was it legal and therefore was the whole exercise to improve the situation socially up north and in terms of law and order or not, and if he can justify the presence of himself on that basis then I don't know what the criticism would be? It comes down to your judgement of the event."
E tumanako ana a Harawira ka akina ngā kaupapa pēnei ki te whakakore i te P ki tōnā rohe.