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The new quit smoking vaping app

QWIT is a newly established company which is promoting a new vaping device and app they say will help people to quit smoking.

QJ Satchell has experienced the ups and downs of quitting.

People's well-being and helping families to save money are some of the reasons he created the app.

Satchell says, "It's the first in the world so we're pretty happy about that and excited about it, good old kiwi ingenuity coming into play.  Independent research shows that the public are taking a liking to it".

Professor Marewa Glover has researched vaping and says there are many benefits for people who choose to vape.

"The vapor is estimated to be ninety five percent less harmful than smoking cigarettes.  So what is harmful is when, and it doesn't matter what you smoke it's the tar and the carbon dioxide in the smoke of whatever you are smoking.  That's what causes harm.  There's no smoke in vapor it's like a steam and it's much safer".

Despite speculation about the benefits of vaping, Glover says there is a lot of misleading information being conveyed to the public.

"There's been a lot of really bad, poor studies not scientifically robust at's not true information that vaping is more dangerous than smoking or as harmful and that is actually not the case".