National | Kura Hourua

Dame Turia onside for Partnership Schools Tribunal claim

Dame Iritana Tawhiwhirangi, who is co-leading a Tribunal claim opposing the shutdown of Kura Hourua - Partnership Schools is welcoming the support of former Māori Party co-leader Dame Tariana Turia.

In February, the government made moves to close down Partnership Schools.

The move has become the catalyst for heavyweights including Tawhiwhirangi and Sir Toby Curtis to come together.

Tawhiwhirangi says that “there have been many projects that were in Māori hands- next minute the government takes over”.

Both have lodged a claim before the Waitangi Tribunal, opposing the closing of Partnership Schools.  Now they have been joined by Turia.

"Turia, she is a fighter so it is only right that she should join in,” says Tawhiwhirangi.

Turia was appointed to the first committee where the idea of Partnership Schools was introduced.

In total, there were 17 Partnership schools established.

“When we've got literally more than 50 percent of our kids failing in the state system we should not continue to support failure,” says Turia.

Currently all existing charter schools have applied to the Ministry of Education to become part of the wider state school system.