Regional | Novel Coronavirus / COVID-19

Te Whānau a Apanui determines what Level 2 tangihanga looks like for their iwi

The Government has loosened its 10-person limit for tangihanga at Level 2 to 50 people.

The change comes after a meeting with Māori ministers and iwi leaders to discuss whether the restrictions were fair.

Final prayers as Te Whānau a Apanui remove the community checkpoints around their tribal boundaries.

To reaffirm their mana motuhake, the iwi has solidified their tikanga for tangihanga during Level 2 confirming that they will determine what happens for their marae, not the Government.

Of the 12 hapū in the region, nine have agreed to open their marae doors for one-day tangihanga with clear guidelines.

The latest tangihanga and funeral restrictions for Level 2 say that tūpāpaku can be returned to their marae or their home and be held there for three days. But only 50 people maximum are allowed to attend those spaces.

Te Whānau a Apanui however, have agreed up to 100 people may attend at one time.

With strict safety protocols in place to manage that which includes no handshakes, no hongi, no overnight stays or hākari.

Louis Rapihana, Te Whānau a Apanui councillor, says the stance has been done with the support of local police.

Te Whānau a Apanui remains COVID-free but tribal leaders acknowledge we are not out of the woods just yet.