National | Immunisation

Wellington frontline staff next in line to receive Pfizer vaccine

Auckland MIQ worker Lynette Faiva receiving the Pfizer vaccine in Auckland on Saturday.  She was the first border worker to be vaccinated for Covid-19.  Photo / File

The rollout of New Zealand's Covid-19 immunisation programme shifts to Wellington on Monday, with frontline border and MIQ workers in the capital to receive the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine which their colleagues in Auckland were administered on Saturday.

“On Monday, we’ll roll out the programme in Wellington and then Christchurch on Wednesday, before starting to vaccinate the rest of New Zealand’s about 12,000 border and MIQ workers over the next few weeks," Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield said in a statement.

“Once they’ve been vaccinated, we’ll start vaccinating the members of their household contacts."

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Auckland MIQ workers were the first border staff to receive the Pfizer vaccine.  Video / File

Dr Bloomfield said an announcement about the rollout of the immunisation programme to the general public of New Zealand would be made soon.

“The finer details of the wider public roll out later in the year are being finalised and information on when and how people can get their vaccinations will be announced soon," he said.