National | Māori Broadcasting

'Broadcasting is about telling the story. It's not the kura kaupapa and it's not the kōhanga reo.'

Questions have been raised about the Māori Broadcasting Minister's stance on where te reo Māori sits in Māori media.

Te reo Māori news content is made up of two television news shows (Te Ao Mārama, Te Karere),  reo irirangi Māori (Māori radio)  and the occasional current affairs story (Te Ao with Moana, Marae).

But Jackson says more news content is needed in English.

"Broadcasting is about telling the story. It's not the kura kaupapa and it's not the kohanga reo," Jackson says.

"What I want is top Māori language and top Māori stories in English, that's what I want."

Media commentator and former politician Hone Harawira is questioning whether Minister Jackson should be in his role.

Step down

"Mena kaore te tangata e aroha ki tō tātou reo me heke ia i tana tūranga," he says.
(If he does not have a passion for our language, then he should step down from his role).

Māori Television has two key long-term objectives: to significantly contribute to the revitalisation of the Māori language; and to be an independent Māori television service.
One of Māori Media's leading funders, Te Māngai Pāhō, was also established to fund Māori language programming.

During lockdown, media were used as teaching tools for many things, including Te Reo Māori.

The minister, himself an ex-broadcaster, says funding to support the industry will be a conversation for the government budget to be announced in May.