The eight remaining pilot whales at Farewell Spit on Golden Bay are “struggling” according to a Manawhenua Ki Mohua spokesperson.
Margie Little said out of the eight remaining there is one which was pregnant and another that was only a pēpi.
Originally there were 10 pilot whales stranded since Tuesday night but two have since died.
“We were out early this morning to bless the Tohorā that had deceased.
“Eight are still alive but [we are] having to wait for the tide at 5pm to be refloated,” said Little.
Manawhenua ki Mohua representatives, DOC staff, Project Jonah medics, and volunteers returned to the beach on Wednesday morning to try to protect the remaining whales.

DOC Takaka Operations Manager Ross Trotter says they are aiming to refloat the surviving eight at high tide on Wednesday afternoon.
“We have plenty of volunteers to help keep the whales cool so do not need people to come and help at this stage. Conditions are cool with some rain which is good for the stranded whales.
“The whales are showing signs of having been sunburned and healed over, so they may have beached elsewhere in the last few weeks,” says Trotter.
In early December, the same area experienced a stranding with 37 pilot whales.
13 died, with the remaining 24 going back into the ocean before 23 whales restranded themselves a kilometre away the next day.