National | Far North District Council

Politicians react to Northland meth problem

Organiser of the Far North "Fight the P" night Hone Harawira says inviting all factions of the community including gang members to the boxing event is an attempt to try and fix the P problem in Kaitaia.

But, Northland MP Winston Peters says it's commonly known that the P industry in this country is controlled by the Chinese and Māori gangs and asks whether the event was genuine.

Peters says, "It's commonly known that the P industry in this country is controlled by the Chinese and Māori gangs, so it is one of irony I suppose, however, if something out of it could be changed then maybe there's a positive side to it. But let's face the facts nothing that I've seen thus far changes my impression of it."

Police say Northland has a high incidence of problems related to P and say the drug is a significant driver of crime in the region. Harawira agrees.

Harawira says, "When it comes to smuggling P from China, now that's government issue and that's why I want to return so I can come up with some legislation banning P from China."

The event is the first of its kind in the region and says all facets of the community were invited to help raise awareness in the community.

"When it comes to gangs, it's about what's right and if you want to stop P then you're more than welcome to come into my house no matter who you are, whether you're a gang member, a man, a woman, or a religious person."

Harawira hopes events like this will tackle the P problem in the region.