He ataahua ki te taringa, engari me ihu oneone tonu i te ao puoro whakaari. I tūtaki a Te Kāea i ngā mahuri tōtara o Kiri Te Kaawa i te kura puoro ki Tāmaki Makaurau.
Ko tēnei te oro hou nā te Tumu o Kiri Te Kanawa.
Ko tā te kaiwaiata oro tōiri Māori a Natasha Wilson, "I knew music by ear and by the feeling and I think being Māori, it's like an inherent sort of thing. I think you harmonise really easily which is actually a really hard thing to do, but it's just what your family does."
E whakarite ana te mātanga puoro whakaari a Kathryn Harries i ēnei kaiwaiata no Aotearoa kia angitū te haere.
Ko tā Kathryn Harries, "You have such wonderful singers here in New Zealand, they were coming across to Europe and America not fully equipped to take on both their peers and just the environment its self which is very challenging as a profession."
E ai kit e kaiwaiata no Hāmoa, no Nuie hoki a Madison Nonoa, ko te mahi puoro whakaari te taumāhekeheke o te ao waiata.
"You've got this muscle in your throat that you have to work out every day and you have to be really exact with it and quite demanding of yourself. Of course, if you don't work out every day, you have to work harder the next day. It's like this never-ending pursuit to perfect what you're trying to do."
E whakaae ana a Harries, "It's like being an athlete a supreme athlete so what their aiming for is to get to Olympic level but as a singer."
Ko ngā pae tawhiti o te tokorua nei kei ngā whetū, engari ka tāria te whakatau inā ka eke rāua ki te tau tuarua.