National | Ngāti Tūwharetoa

Ngāti Tuwharetoa closer to zero-waste future

Ngāti Tūwharetoa marae, kura kaupapa, and kōhanga reo have jumped on board the Para Kore (Zero Waste) programme in an attempt to remove waste and incorporate more eco-friendly alternatives into the community.

Ngāti Tūwharetoa waste advisor Raewyn Rāmeka says, “We are very excited to support marae, kōhanga reo, kura and community organisations in our rohe.  Together we can do so much for our environment.  Our journey towards zero waste is all about looking after Papatūānuku."

Rāmeka says, “Across Aotearoa, almost 300 marae, kura, kōhanga reo and community organisations are already working towards zero waste. Now it is our turn in Tūwharetoa to make a difference."

“Our Kura and whānau are very proactive in caring for the spiritual and physical health of the land and waterways within our rohe whilst being aware of the benefits and impacts on the well-being of not only ourselves but also the people, land, and waterways of neighboring rohe and the motu.

"We are excited to work together with whānau, marae, hapū, iwi and the wider community to learn, share, and care for our environment," says Rāmeka.

The Tūwharetoa Māori Trust Board are financially supporting the Para Kore programme in their district.