Regional | East Cape

He ringa raupā ki tōna hapori

E kore pea e rāngona whānuitia ka kōrero e pā ana ki te hunga e whakaheke werawera ana mā te hapori. Heoi anō, me whakapuaki i wēnei kōrero, ka tika. Nā, i te ākau o Uawa, i Te Tairāwhiti, e pukumahi ana a Shanan Gray kia whanake ai tōna hapori.

“It's just like how we work at a marae, we've all got our roles, we've all got our responsibilities but on a bigger scale, it's about just bringing them together and just making sure that they have opportunities in front on them”, te kī a Shanan Gray.

Ko Te Taratī Hirahira o Te Aitanga a Hauiti he rōpu ā iwi ā hapori anō hoki i Uawa, arā, tōna waru rau tāngata e noho ana i reira.

“It's an opportunity to create a community plan for our community here and I've come in, out of teaching, to hopefully bring back the community it's all about connecting with the community and connecting with their voice”, te kī a Gray.

Kei te taki a ia i te hōtaka whakawhanake ā-hapori, he whakaataenga i weanga i Te Taratī Hirahira o Te Aitanga a Hauiti me Te Tari Taiwhenua.

“This is where opportunities will be created whether it's job wise, whether it's community events. Some other stuff from the community plan is community safety and just making sure that there are opportunities for our young ones to be off the street.”

Hei tā Shanan Gray me whakanui i ngā kūia me ngā koroua, arā kia whai wāhi atu rātau ki ngā reanga rangatahi.

“One thing that they really want to do is bring that closer together and I think that's a great opportunity for our pakeke to share what they know because they’re only here for a short amount of time and their wealth of knowledge is something that we have to look at.”

Hei te mutunga o te marama tuku atu ai a Shanan Gray i tana mahere ki te hapori.