National | Broadcasting

Te Māngai Pāho, NZ on Air join forces for te reo

NZ on Air and Te Māngai Pāho will be joining forces to invest $4mil in te reo Māori content. The co-fund is designed to promote high-quality prime-time Māori language content that will appeal to a broader audience.

The joint venture seeks to support the outcomes of Maihi Karauna, this includes ensuring that all New Zealanders value te reo Māori as a crucial part of national identity.

The CE of Te Māngai Pāho, Larry Parr, is in full support of the Māori language revitalisation strategy.

"It's great we are able to collaborate like this on this initiative.  It expands the amount of funding for reo Māori content," says Larry Parr.

This additional funding will be added to the $31 million allocated towards Māori language content.

NZ On Air Chief Executive Jane Wrightson says, "NZ On Air is delighted to be collaborating with Te Māngai Pāho to support the creation of original and engaging te reo Māori projects for broad New Zealand audiences and normalise the use of te reo Māori in prime-time."

Applications are now open to Te Puahatanga, there will be two rounds and final decisions regarding funding allocation will be made at the end of the year.