National | Budget

"How are we gonna pay for all this?" - National Party

The Government is spending $265 million on the sport and recreation sector to ensure its viability and how it can adapt in the wake of COVID-19.

Finance and Sports Minister Grant Robertson said that COVID-19 had resulted in sports funding drying up which has put sports, particularly at the community level under immense strain.

Finance Spokesperson for National, Paul Goldsmith questions, "How effective are we gonna [sic] be at getting that money down to the sports' root, down to the clubs, down to the communities?"

"New Zealanders will be also asking the question, 'Heck! How are we gonna pay for all this?"

Goldsmith dismissed the details behind the funding as 'pretty sketchy'. He says that while funding announcements attract attention, that's not the most important thing. Planning, he says, is essential to get the most of out of any government funding.

"What they are planning to actually get for the money, for taxpayers that are stumping it up, it's all vague. As far as I can see," he says.

The Epsom-based List MP says that spending quality money on health and education gets a 'tick' from National.

Saving jobs and growing the economy, he adds, will get a 'big tick'.

Everything else needs to be analysed for its ability to deliver results urges Goldsmith.