National | Jacinda Ardern

Louisa Wall claims PM 'didn't want me'

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Louisa Wall, who recently resigned as a Labour MP, claims Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern did not want her.

"The Prime Minister told me I'd never be in her cabinet," Wall told TVNZ's Q+A programme on Sunday.

“I think there were messages, probably not so subtle, that it wasn't just she didn't want me in her cabinet. She was obviously very clear that she didn't want me in her caucus.”

In response, the Prime Minister's Office said they did not have anything further to add to a comment Ardern gave when Wall first announced her resignation.

At the time, Ardern said she "absolutely" believed Wall had got a "fair deal" from the Labour Party.

"She's been a member of our Labour whānau for 14 years and has the support of our team and will continue to have the support of our team.

"There will be members of Parliament across their careers who would have hoped to have taken on different roles in their time. What Louisa has demonstrated is that has not meant that she hasn't been able to achieve a significant amount. She has."

Wall, who is Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāti Hineuru, Waikato and Ngāti Kuri, will give her valedictory statement this week before officially leaving parliament on 1 May.