National | Otago

Tino rangatiratanga to fly permanently over Otago Polytech

Photo / NZME

A win for Otago Polytech’s students association will see the tino rangatiratanga flag fly permanently over the Polytech’s Dunedin campus.

The announcement comes after a year-long campaign by the institution’s students association.

Association president Ezra Tamati first approached the polytech’s board in February, 2021.

Tamati (Te Ati Awa and Ngāi Tahu) says the board, having polled the student body, told him the move will be adopted, during the Matariki long weekend.

"It means everything to us." Tamati says, of its significance to Māori students at the institution.

Tino rangatiratanga has flown over the campus in the past but the association president says he expects it to be a permanent fixture, from mid-July.
