National | Pasifika

Pasifika women and girls focus of Pacific women-led wellbeing survey

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The largest Pacific women’s national organisation, P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A, is surveying Pasifika women and girls in order to prepare a report that will describe their physical, mental, family and spiritual health in Aotearoa.

P.A.C.I.F.I.C.A, which stands for Pacific Allied (Women’s) Council Inspires Faith in Ideals Concerning All, intends to provide the United Nations with a copy of the report, which it plans to publish by February 2023.

The report is unique in that it will be by Pasifika women, with Pasifika women and for Pasifika women and their families, the organisation said in a statement.

In 2021, the group became the first Pacific peoples’ organisation from Aotearoa granted a speaking voice at the UN's Economic and Social Council.

The organisation has launched an online survey to capture Pasifika women's and girls' voices on identity, language, strengths, and future aspirations. The survey is 'live' until 21 November 2022.

Minister for Pacific Peoples, Aupito Willam Sio, is on record as saying that as much as two-thirds of New Zealand born-Pasifika now had Māori whakapapa as well.

Kelvin McDonald
Kelvin McDonald

Kelvin McDonald has been part of our Whakaata Māori newsroom since 2007. Formerly a researcher for Native Affairs, Kelvin has since moved across to our Online News Team where his new role as Digital Video Editor utilises his years of experience and skills in research, editing and reporting.