National | Flooding

Waitomo District in State of Emergency: Te Kūiti Pā helping with accommodation

Photo / Waitomo District Council

Waitomo District is in a state of emergency, with Te Kūiti Pā assisting with accommodation for whānau needing to evacuate their homes due to the worsening floods.

Mayor of Waitomo, John Robertson, says the state of emergency was declared shortly after 7pm on Saturday evening.

"We have serious flooding in Te Kūiti, water supply issues in parts of Te Kūiti, and serious damage on some of our roads," Robertson said early Sunday morning.

Photo / Waitomo District Council

An emergency operating centre has been activated at the council.

For those needing water, Robertson said a water truck will be at Te Kūiti's Les Munro Centre from 8am today.

Latest reports and up-to-date information will be posted to the council's Facebook pages and the council website, he said.

Te Kūiti Pā began providing support Saturday evening asking whānau to share a pānui posted to social media.

"Te Kūiti Pā is opening their doors tonight to any whānau who need to evacuate their homes due to the worsening floods," Te Kūiti Pā's Facebook post said.

"E te whānau, if you need to evacuate your homes, reach out."

Robertson expressed gratitude to all those working tirelessly to provide help and support.

"A huge thank you to emergency services, civil defence personnel and Council staff who have been working through the night. And a huge thank you to Te Kūiti Paa and others helping with accommodation."

"Let's look after each other today, and help those most impacted. Kia kaha," he said.