Hawke’s Bay regional councillors have decided they cannot support a new housing development in an area they say is known for “severe flooding risks”.
The council is now proposing a change to the Napier-Hastings Future Development Strategy (FDS).
Regional councillors this week adopted the draft strategy with an amendment suggesting one proposed residential development site in Riverbend Rd, Napier be removed from the strategy.
The Riverbend Residential Development was announced in November 2021 and involves plans to build more than 600 homes on a 22 hectare piece of land next to Maraenui Park on the fringe of Napier.
Councillor Martin Williams, in supporting the amendment, said he couldn’t support new housing in the area.
“I cannot in good conscience support new housing in an area we know to be subject to severe flooding risks, with all the lessons of Cyclone Gabrielle and the Hawke’s Bay Independent Flood Review clearly saying it’s time for this Council to finally take a firm stand against this type of development.”

HBRC said it was not a final decision and the other two councils (Napier and Hastings) have yet to vote on the draft.
“If they vote the draft through unchanged then the amendment is a moot point and would only be noted as part of the consultation.”
In 2022, regional councillor Neil Kirton voiced his concerns about the proposed development being prone to flooding, saying the land was under water for days after the Napier November 2020 flood.
Ngāti Kahungunu construction company K3 Kahungunu Property was leading the project in partnership with private developer Tawanui Developments Ltd.
The Napier Hastings Future Development Strategy (FDS) is a strategic tool to assist with the integration of planning decisions under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) with infrastructure and funding decisions.
It shows where growth will be in Napier and Hastings, in existing and new urban areas over the next 30 years, and the infrastructure needed to support and service that growth.
Hastings District Council and Napier City Council will both consider the draft FDS for public notification at meetings on November 19.
NCC said it would not be commenting prior to the draft being released for public consultation which is expected to run from November 23 to December 23, to ensure the integrity of the process.
The public feedback and councils’ views will be considered by a hearings panel and the Napier Hastings Future Development Strategy Joint Committee before the final draft is presented to the three partner councils for adoption.
The FDS is a requirement of the Government’s National Policy Statement – Urban Development.
LDR is local body journalism co-funded by RNZ and NZ On Air.