National | Kīngitanga

Tuku Morgan fronts up at Waahi Paa

Tukororangi Morgan speaking to Māori Television in August - Photo / File

Tukoroirangi Morgan has fronted up to King Tuheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero IV, at the Poukai gathering at Waahi Paa in Huntly.

A marae spokesperson told Te Kāea that during formal speeches Tuku Morgan along with iwi leaders was escorted to King Tuheitia’s tent to speak to him directly, while the hundreds gathered looked on.

Locals sang a rendition of E noho, Tuheitia while Morgan spoke to the King for approximately five minutes, which concluded with a hongi between Morgan and the Māori King.

Another marae member says the matter has been settled at the marae, “Kua tau te mauri”.

Two months ago, Tukoroirangi Morgan fronted up to answer questions over his harsh criticism of King Tuheitia.

Here's what he had to say:

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