Kei te porotū ngā nēhi o Ngāti Porou Hauora i runga i tā rātau whakatau, kāre e rite ana te pūtea ki ngā nēhi o te ratonga hauora tūmatanui.
He nēhi a Gina Chaffey-Aupouri ki Ngāti Porou Hauora, “We're here just for pay parity, to be equally paid with Tairāwhiti (District Hospital)”.
He nēhi a Marion Clark ki Tairawhiti District Health, “They get a pittance compared to us and we don't get that much.”
Kua whā tekau tau a Gina Chaffey-Aupouri e mahi ana hai nēhi. Hai tāna, he nui ngā taumaha kai ngā nēhi kei waenga pārae e mahi ana.
“We live 100m down the road from Tairāwhiti nurses and we're paid $16-$20,000 less for the same qualification”, te kī a Gina Chaffey-Aupouri.
Tokoono ngā whare haumanu, kotahi te hōhipera a Ngāti Porou Hauora. Ka ahu mai te pūtea i a Hauora Tairāwhiti.
Kai te poari o Ngāti Porou Hauora a Huti Puketapu-Watson, hei tāna, “He pukuaroha mātau ki ngā nēhi nei o Ngāti Porou Hauora nā te mea te tino raruraru he rerekē ngā moni utu o ngā nēhi o te Hauora me ngā nēhi o Tairāwhiti, tō mātau DHB.”
E tautoko ana a Marion Clark i ngā nēhi o NPH.
Ko tā Marion Clark, “They may be the only health professional that the people see so they've got to make on the spot decisions, whether to seek further help or not and they're not recognised for their thirty years’ experience and knowledge.”
I whakapā atu mātau ki Hauora Tairāwhiti, heoi karetahi rātau i whakahoki kōrero mai.