National | Novel Coronavirus / COVID-19

Day 2 COVID-19 Lockdown update: 85 new cases, 368 in total

Director-General Dr Ashley Bloomfield confirmed that on day 2 of the national lockdown we have: 368 total cases, which includes 85 new cases and 37 recoveries.

Dr Bloomfield confirmed that 8 people have been hospitalised for COVID-19.

3 in Wellington/Pōneke

2 in Whakatū/Nelson with 1 in intensive care

1 in Waikato

1 in Tāmaki/Auckland

1 in Whangārei

Retired medical professionals are being invited to register with the Ministry of Health should they need more staff. The government assures the public that WINZ payments will continue to be on time.

Dr Bloomfield urges that anyone awaiting a test result should be in strict self-isolation until that result is confirmed, including from members in the same household:

“The higher the level of compliance with the measures in place under alert level 4, the greater its impact will be on reducing our number of COVID19 cases.

"And therefore the impact that will have in terms of hospitalisations and deaths."