National | Broadcasting

COVID-19 takes yet another senior citizen - 4.30pm Newsbreak

- An elderly man in his 60s becomes the 10th death from the Rosewood Rest home cluster in Christchurch. That now brings our national death toll today to 17. There are only two new confirmed cases and 3 probable cases of COVID-19 today.

- The National Kōhanga Reo Trust has told its centres across the country to stay closed during Alert Level 3. Trust CE, Angus Hartley says the board is backing the decision to protect the health and well-being of vulnerable kaumātua and children.

- Media companies will receive $50 million from the Government to help them get through the pandemic.  This includes dropping the cost of transmission fees for six months, which TV and radio pay to broadcast. That frees up $20.5mil to assist media agencies including Māori media. A second package of support is being developed and will be submitted to COVID-19 Budget discussions in May.

- Trans Tasman Resources says it is going to take its bid to mine iron sands off the Taranaki coast to the Supreme Court.