Regional | Iwi

Vibrant culturally significant event celebrating rich Tuhourangi heritage

Rooted in ancestral traditions and steeped in historical significance, the Tūhourangi Ahurei is a testament to the resilience and cultural pride of the Tūhourangi people.

John Tapiata, a descendant of the Tūhourangi tribe, is delighted to have his whānau (extended family) travel from afar to commemorate the wonders of their tribe and remember those who died during the eruption of Mt Tarawera.

"Kei konei ngā marae e whā, kei konei ngā whānau e waru e whakakahangia te kaupapa o tātou o Tuhourangi” “Here we have our four marae, here we have our eight families who have come to uphold today's memorial in who we are as Tūhourangi.”

The Ahurei, meaning "festival" or "gathering" in Māori, serves as a platform for Tūhourangi people to showcase their unique traditions, storytelling through the art of Kapa Haka.

It is an occasion where generations come together to pass down knowledge, strengthen community bonds, and celebrate their cultural heritage. Ten groups performed on stage with the sole purpose of honouring the ancestors and nurturing the future generation.

Ruakiri Fairhall, ofNgāti Hinemihi, a sub-tribe to Tūhourangi, is stoked to have performed with his whānau.

“Tēnei āhuatanga o te noho tahi o te tamaiti, a te pakeke, a ngā kaumātua, i runga i tētehi kaupapa Ora, kāore i kō atu, ā, kāore i kore i rata hoki ki ngā tamariki”. “This feeling of being together, our kids with our grandparents, the adults with the kids together to celebrate at a ‘living’ gathering, nothing beats it”.