Regional | Whanganui

Missing Whanganui 17-year-old found ‘safe and well’

Mercedes Capri Haddon was last seen by the family on Monday at 8am at Kowhai Park. Source: File

The whānau of 17-year-old Mercedes-Capri Haddon is relieved to share that their mokopuna has been found safe and well.

Mercedes had been missing since Monday, January 15 in Whanganui. Since then, her whānau, police and other volunteers had been searching for her throughout the city.

“We held on to the hope and belief that our precious girl would be returned safely, so it is an immense relief to our whānau that this has happened,” a whānau spokesperson told Te Ao Māori News.

Mercedes was found by the police this morning and returned to her family in Whanganui. The whānau thanks those who helped in the search.

“We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to New Zealand Police, the Tira Hoe Waka whānau, Kauangaroa whānau, Te Runanga o Ngā Wairiki-Ngāti Apa, Rangitāne our wider Papaiōea whānau, Te Whānau o Mana Tamariki, Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui, Go Media, the Whanganui community and the many volunteers who came from near and far to help us with our search for Mercedes-Capri over the past five days.”

“We would also like to thank the many people who shared the news of our search via social media and those who kept our Mercedes-Capri and her return in their karakia and prayers. Ka nui ngā mihi ki a koutou katoa.”

The family has requested privacy to discuss Mercedes-Capri’s ongoing care.

In a statement, the police also thanked the public for all their assistance and support in locating Mercedes-Capri.