Regional | Eel

I whakamōrea ngā awhiowai te oranga o ngā tuna

Ko ngā hapū i rauora ai te tuna ki roto o Whangarei kei te tū pihi mō ngā kōheuheu wai i runga i te whakapae ko ērā kei te patu i ngā taupori tuna kua roa e morimoritia ana. Ko te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Whangarei tētahi o ngā kaikawe i te kaupapa. E ai ki tāna, ko te kaha ua kē te raru, ā, he kimi rongoā te mahi.

Ko tā Nga Kaitiaki o ngā Wai Māori taka ana a roto i te kitenga nei, whai muri i ngā whakapaunga kaha o ngā tau ki te whakarauora i te tuna.

Hei tā tētahi Mema o Ngā Kaitiaki o Ngā Wai Māori a Allan Halliday, "Not only this pump station but there's another six pump stations within the Hikurangi swamp and each and every one of them are cutting up tuna at each flood. If you look at these tuna these are tuna heke, these are the breeders. These are the ones that want to go out to sea"

He mahi ngātahi me NIWA, me ētahi atu rōpū te kaupapa hopu, tuku atu hoki i te pepi tuna ki te repo o Hikurangi. Na te waipuke ka timata ngā kōheuheu te whakaheke wai. Ēngari na te waipuke ka mahue ngā tuna ki ētahi moka, i reira kauhoe atu ki te pūrere.

"It's just such a waste. It would be different if people were eating them but that's not even happening. But you can see by the amount of tuna that we have here that this is all kai for the rats and the hawkes, but they're not even here. They've obviously had their fill."

Ko tā Te Kaunihera i whakawā rātoud tētahi ārai hiko kia noho haumaru ai ngā tuna, ēngari kaore i ea. Ko tā rātou ko te whakautu he papu hou ki ia kōheuheu wai, na tēnei ka ora te tuna.

E ai ki tētahi Mema o te Te Kaunihera-a-Rohe ki Whangarei a Andrew Carvell, "That's currently in our long term planning, but those pumps are around $2million each and the way the scheme works is it's farmer funded pump-scheme and it takes a while to build up that amount of capital."

Ko tā Carvell whakapae e rua tekau tau pea te roa kia tū he papu ki ngā kōheuheu wai katoa, ko te tuatahi ka tū i nga tau e rima e heke mai