National | Leadership

Shane Jones a top option should Winston Peters step down - Richard Prosser, NZ First

While MPs remain tight-lipped about whether an announcement is expected today for who will form the next government, outgoing New Zealand First MP Richard Prosser floated three names tipped to potentially replace Winston Peters should he step down from his party's leadership.

A government union is what everyone awaits, but the MPs aren't letting any news slip.

But the main union on New Zealand First's Shane Jones' mind was his own wedding in Rarotonga.

“"It's a big day for me. As you know I'm getting married. I'm not sure if I'm going to go, for my ring, whether it'll be Sapphire or Ruby; but I'm getting married and I have ring sizing today."

Outgoing New Zealand First MP Richard Prosser has tipped Jones as one of three potential successors should Winston Peters step down, the others being Deputy Leader Ron Mark and MP Tracey Martin.

Prosser says "I think the membership wants to see him prove himself first and I think that's seriously why Winston wanted him to win Whangarei."

Prosser expects that should Peters get what he wants from these negotiations he would look to make his last term given there is a strong successor and the party looks viable going forward without him.