National | Coromandel

E waipuke ana te taone o Kauwaeranga i te rohe Hauraki

Ko te papaki o ngā ngaru nui me te tai pari nui kei ngau i te rohe Pārāwai, o Te Paeroa a Toi, nā te kaha pupuhi tonu o te hau i te rā nei. Ko ētahi i whakahaua kia whakarere atu i ō rātou kāinga.

E rongo tonu ana te whiu o tāwhirimātea. I te whā tekau meneti pahi i te tekau karaka i te ata i kaha ake ai te taipari nui, wheoi i te tekau karaka kē a Waka Kotahi i kati ai te rori matua e rua tekau mā rima o Pārāwai-Tīkapa Moana, nā te teitei o ngā ngarunui e huri iho atu ki runga i taua rori. Waihoki, hei tā ngētehi o te iwikāinga koirā ngā ngaru nui rawa atu kua kitea e rātou i te wākāinga.

E ai ki a Mike Paul no Higgins Hamilton NOC, “The tides all up, all the streams are coming into the sea, banked it all up and it's all coming over the sides of the road, pushing all the logs and every debris that's coming out of the water, they're putting it up on the road.”

Mō ngēnei tuakana, teina, tungane hoki kua rua tekau mā rima tau e noho ana i te taha moana, koina ngā ngaru nunui kua kitea i te kāinga.

Hei tā Monar Thaugand (Waikato Ngāpuhi), “I've been living here on my life and like it's never done this before. We'll like it's done this but not like fully, fully like this. This is the sort of thing that we have to deal with.”

E ai ki a Tawney Thaugland, “I think it bloody looks ridiculous! It looks like a mess. Like all that stuff washed up on the beach and everything. It's going to be a mess when the waters have gone.”

I waipuketia ngā wāhanga o te rori o Pārāwai-Tīkapa Moana, pērā i ngā whare i Tararua . Wheoi, e ngana ana ngā kaimahi whakatika rori ki te āta tohutohu i ngā kaihautū waka i ngā mōreareatanga.

Hei tā Paul, “Just stop. Check the road conditions, because it's all, everybody's telling you on these big VMS boards on the side of the road.”

Wheoi, kua waia te iwi kāinga ki ngā āwhā ka patua kinotia ki te rohe ia tau ia tau. Kua waia hoki ki ngā whakaritenga.

E ai ki te Koromatua o Thames-Coromandel a Sandra Goudie says, “So we make sure that gutters are clear, drains are clear. That person are sort of are aware of that. Colvets are clear, NZTA, of course, has to look after its state highway.”

Kua hikina ngā whakatūpatotanga mō te āwhā ki te rohe, hei te pō nei, tau ai te hau.
