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Kei te whanake haere Te Taua Moana o Aotearoa arā ko ngā wāhine ērā e puta ana ki tai

Kei te piki haere te hunga wāhine ki te Te Taua Moana o Aotearoa, ināinei he tata ki te hauwhā katoa o Te Taua Moana he wahine.

Kei te whanake haere Te Taua Moana o Aotearoa arā ko ngā wāhine ērā e puta ana ki tai.

He Warfare Specialist a Rangimarie Cherrington, hei tāna, “I've been able to make a career out of my life I've been able to travel just like I wanted to, make long-life friends and it’s pretty much the foundation of I guess growing up.”

Nō te tau tahi mano iwa rau waru tekau mā tahi, he waru ōrau noa iho ngā wāhine ki te Taua Moana.

Ko Deborah Te Kani tērā arā hei tāna, “It was something different, and it was a challenge, because back then not many women were in the defence force at that time, but now there's a high percentage.”

Nō te tau kotahi mano iwa rau waru tekau mā iwa whakaaetia te wahine ki ngā kaipuke o te Taua Moana.

Ko tā John Cameron, “I served on HMNZS Monowai with the first women at sea. It was a really great experience, and I think for women going forward it really has set a benchmark for the forces and what women are doing at sea right now.”

E mea ana a Deborah Te Kani, “I think it's a good thing that women can go to sea and they're all equal and it gives women opportunities so they can travel the world just as much as guys can.”

Hei tā Rangimarie Cherrington says, “I've been to Hawaii, all the Pacific Islands, New Caledonia, Australia and Antartica.”

Ināianei tata ki te rima rau ngā wāhine kei Te Taua Moana o Aotearoa.

Koia ko tā Deborah Te Kani i a ia e whakakōrero ana i ngā hua arā, “I'd say the discipline and the friendship that you had then you still have 30 years later so there's a great camaraderie.”

Ka tautoko hoki a Rangimarie Cherrington i tērā kōrero arā, “Camaraderie, for one, I've grown really good relationships and they've turned into family.”

Hei tā Te Kani me kaha ake ki te pōwhiri atu i ngā wāhine ki ngā ope taua.