Simon Bridges used his time at Waitangi to promote the National Party, prompting a response from Winston Peters.
“But I say, what Northland needs, is a four lane highway from Auckland to the upper North Island, and a government I lead, will deliver that!” Bridges says.
Bridges added, that he had already started on that, attributing the Puhoi-Warkworth upgrade to himself and National MP Mark Mitchell.
This prompted Shane Jones, when it was his turn to speak, to cut his speech short, and call on his leader Winston Peters.
Peters lightheartedly expressed his dislike of politicising Māori events saying, “What am I doing? Making sure you don’t get away with it!”

NZ First leader Winston Peters at Waitangi. Source - File.
The Ngāti Wai veteran comically countered Simon Bridges promise to build a highway, with a quick quip:
“It [the highway] was going to take 68 years to reach Whangārei!
“You fancy your chances, that you’re gonna see it!?”

National Party leader Simon Bridges at Waitangi. Source - File.
Bridges finished his address with a reminder:
"We have delivered for Māori in the past, we have delivered in the recent past, and we will deliver again."
Peters, finished his remarks, with a humourous warning:
“But be wise! Buy yourself some insurance!”