National | Broadcasting

Media get $50 million piece of the pie from Government - 4:30pm Newsbreak

- There are two new confirmed cases and 1 probable case of COVID-19. Sadly, two more people have died of the virus - a woman in her 60s and a Rosewood Resthome resident. 8 people are in hospital, and 1 person is in ICU. 1065 people have recovered from COVID-19. Of the total cases, 124 are Māori, and 68 are Pacific Islanders. 6480 tests were undertaken yesterday.

- The National Kōhanga Reo Trust has told its centres across the country to stay closed during Alert Level 3. Trust  CE, Angus Hartley says the board is backing the decision to protect the health and wellbeing of vulnerable kaumātua and children. He also believes inconsistent advice from the ministries of education and health puts Kōhanga Reo at risk if they reopen. The Prime Minister says people should err on the side of caution and that she trusts the decisions made by ECE leaders.

- Media companies will receive $50 million from the Government to help them get through the pandemic. This includes dropping the cost of transmission fees for 6-months, which TV and radio pay to broadcast. That frees up $20.5 million to assist media agencies including Māori media.