National | ANZAC

Are the checkpoints legal? The PM weighs in - 12.30pm Newsbreak

- It's the eve of Anzac Day and New Zealanders around the country are preparing for the commemorations of those who fought for our freedoms but under the restrictions of Level 4 Lockdown. Colonel Glenn King from the New Zealand Army admits this year will be a very different way of commemorating.

- Northland MP Matt King was a no-show yesterday, refusing Hone Harawira's invitation to see the work of the Tai Tokerau Border Control, which he says is illegal. It seems the police are also backing the MP.

- Yesterday Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gave her view on the controversial checkpoints which are now in our Māori communities across the country.

- East Coast Maori health workers have apologised to people who queued up for hours for COVID-19 testing, after being turned away due to a shortage of testing supplies. The organisation is pleading for the government for assistance.