Over half a billion dollars has been targeted at Māori in today's budget, with over half going to health and education.
Finance Minister Grant Robertson has launched his sixth budget in Parliament, with more than $825 million of spending for Māori announced.
Some $225 million will go towards Māori education initiatives, Associate Education Minister Kelvin Davis says, to help build more modern buildings, as well as learning support coordination funded for kaupapa Māori and Māori medium education that will benefit 25,000 ākonga in 325 schools and kura.
Nearly $10m will be used to work with up to 57 additional iwi to assist to build the local material required so schools and kura can collaborate with mana whenua in support of the new Aotearoa New Zealand history curriculum rollout.
“The work we are building on today has included our significant lifts in funding for kōhanga reo, including a big boost to kaiako pay, and our previous support for building and expanding kaupapa Māori and Māori medium education, which has construction underway around the country,” Davis says.
The Māori Health Authority will receive $132m of funding to help cheapen access to primary care, offer more rongoā services and more.
Associate health minister Māori Peeni Henare says whānau should expect to see more prevention work for long-term conditions, HIV, and cancer.
By-Māori, for-Māori solutions
"In addition, we want to see by-Māori, for-Māori solutions for these services, and for priority population groups - kaumātua, taiohi, rangatahi and tāngata whaikaha.
“I am also pleased to see the finalisation and recognition of the first 11 iwi-Māori partnership boards that will help ensure locality plans are tailored to their communities’ health needs and represent the views of whānau Māori in the broader system,” he says.
Whānau Ora has been allocated $168.1 million over four years.
“We have previously invested in Ngā Tini Whetu, a programme to support pēpi and māmā during their first 1000 days. The programme has changed the wellbeing of these families for the better; we are seeing families take up trade apprenticeships, getting back to studies, financial literacy classes, counselling, substance abuse support, and small business training.
“This year’s budget will see the programme expand to support more whānau," Henare says
“I take my hat off to our Whānau Ora provider collective who are out there getting on with the mahi. This extra funding is for you to continue putting in the care and effort for our people."
Housing, whenua and cyclone recovery
In housing for Māori, the Whai Kāinga Oranga programme will see $200m invested, Associate Minister Housing (Māori housing) Willie Jackson says.
“With the cost-of-living pressures across the motu, the government’s investment across the Māori housing continuum will ensure whānau can get access to safe, dry and affordable homes. Through this investment, the government is contributing to a range of housing solutions that will be delivered by Māori for Māori."
The Te Ringa Hāpai Whenua Fund, which allows landowners "to undertake whenua-based economic, cultural, social and environmental projects", will be given $23m over four years. Te Tumu Paeroa, the largest administrator of whenua Māori, will be given $8m to support whenua Māori owners.
"In cyclone recovery efforts, 19.9 million will help in a data sharing system for improved community and economic resilience planning."
Te Matatini
Te Matatini is a big winner in this year's budget, with an injection of $34m over the next two years, covering the next cycle of the kapa haka festival. It is a significant increase for Te Matatini, where Budget 2022 saw the national committee receive a total of $2.9m for the year.
Prime Minister Chris Hipkins earlier this year said the government was considering whether to increase funding to Te Matatini to bring it in line with other groups in the arts sector.
“Te Matatini 2023 showcased incredible talent and mana from across the country and I’m delighted that this Government is further investing in the delivery of the biennial national kapa haka festival,” Associate Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister Willow-Jean Prime says.
“This new investment builds on the hard mahi over the past year to solidify the foundations for Te Matatini to expand from a biennial, national festival, to also foster and support kapa haka in our regions.
Matariki, Māori media and Māori tourism
A further $18m over four years has been set aside for Matariki. After last year's first public holiday celebration for Matariki, Willow-Jean Prime says domestic tourism turned over $160m.
“This year’s investment of $18 million over four years will build on this momentum, and enable people across the country to increase their knowledge of Matariki. This will be a contestable fund our communities can apply to. The aim is to see expanded public awareness and understanding of Matariki through more resources, practices, and customs on a national scale.
“The theme for 2023 is hoki mai ki te kainga, encouraging whānau to come home. Like Te Matatini, cultural identity has benefits for all New Zealanders, as a way of coming together, celebrating our rich history, culture, language, practices and ceremonies. I am proud to be a part of a government that looks to create new ways to uplift and enhance wellbeing for all.”
$51m over two years will be given to Māori media, which Broadcasting Minister Willie Jackson says "will help safeguard the industry against increasing costs and upskill kaimahi capability”.
Māori tourism will have an $8m injection that hopes to "Māori culture at the heart of our visitor experience,” Associate Minister for Māori Development Nanaia Mahuta says.
“This investment will help the industry continue to recover from COVID-19 disruptions, withstand cost-of-living pressures and also meet increasing demand as international travel resumes. The investment will enable the New Zealand Māori Tourism system to provide business support to the sector relating to marketing advice and expertise, and support for compliance.”
Māori justice
Te Ao Mārama, the government's tikanga Māori-based programme for justice in the court system, will be handed $11.7m over the next two years.
"Te Ao Mārama is an all-of-justice sector approach, working alongside communities, iwi and the legal professionals to ensure the court process is getting the best outcomes for the broader community.," Justice Minister Kiri Allan says.
"It is based on tikanga Māori and Chief District Court Judge Heemi Taumaunu has been leading a new approach to justice which the government has continued to support."