Regional | David Seymour

Māori seats on Auckland Council ‘morally repugnant’

“We will repeal the part that allows there to be different wards based on race and background. We think democracy should be one person, one vote.”

Auckland Council mulls Māori seats

Auckland Council hasn’t even decided on Māori seats, yet the Act Party has already ruled them out, calling them ‘morally repugnant’.

Auckland councillor Alf Filipaina says Act leader David Seymour’s stance is laughable.

“He can keep on talking about his morals but this is about Māori seats.”

Auckland Council is calling for submissions on the establishment of Māori seats on the governing body. The council was established in 2009 under the Local Government Act, with a total of 20 councillors required on the governing board, so the establishment of Māori seats would need a change in the act.

Filipaina says it’s important to set aside seats for Māori representation.

“We need Māori representation on the governing body board. We do because they’re the ones who will be speaking on behalf of our Māori community, and that will be part of the governing body.”

But Act leader David Seymour says it’s divisive.

“The suggestion that one person can’t be represented by another person because they are of a different race is morally repugnant.”

“We will repeal the part that allows there to be different wards based on race and background. We think democracy should be one person, one vote.”