
Kīngi Tūheitia encourages further kotahitanga kōrero

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Kīngi Tūheitia is encouraging Māori to keep talking about kotahitanga and mana motuhake following Friday’s Hui Taumata at Ōmāhu Marae near Hastings.

“Ko te kai a te rangatira he koorero – discussion is the food of chiefs,” Kīngitanga spokesperson Ngira Simmonds said Saturday in a release.

“This is exactly what Kiingi Tuheitia wants us to keep doing and is the reason he is travelling to various hui across the motu and throughout the Pacific.”

Simmonds thanked Ngāti Kahungunu for hosting the Hui Tuamata and continuing the kōrero begun at January’s Hui-ā-Motu at Tūrangawaewae, where Kīngi Tūheitia said the message would be carried on ngā hau e whā – the four winds.

“This conversation needs to continue, and we need to hear the voices of the people before moving to solutions.”

In August, the Kīngitanga will host the annual Koroneihana celebrations at Tūrangawaewae followed by a visit to Ngāi Tahu in Te Waipounamu later in the year.