National | Elections

Ka kōkirihia e Ngā Kākāriki he huihinga hei whakakore i te pōharatanga

Ki Tāmaki ki te tonga, tae atu ana te tini ngerongero pononga ki te huihuinga nā te Rōpū Kākāriki i karanga, kia whakakorengia ai te pōharatanga. Koirā te kaupapa matua e kōkiritia nei mō mua i te rā kōwhiringa pōti a tēnei Rāhoroi.

Me kore rawa te tangata kotahi e noho rawakore tētehi o ngā karanga matua o Ngā Kākāriki.

"I ngā wā katoa hurinoa i Aotearoa, ka haere mai ngā wāhine, ngā tāne, ngā kaumātua kuia, ngā tamariki ki te mihi tautoko ki a mātou ki a Metiria hoki mō tāna kaha, mō tō mātou ki te whakakāhore i te pōharatanga hei kaupapa matua o te Pāti Kākāriki," tā te Mema Pāremata Kākāriki Marama Davidson.

I raro i te kaupapa here Mending the Safety Net, ka whakakorengia te pōharatanga e Ngā Kākāriki arā:

-  Ka whakapiki ake i ngā penihana matua mā te rua tekau ōrau

-  Ka piki ake i te utu iti ki tōna tekau mā waru tāra, ā, haere ake kia ono tekau mā ono ōrau te utu kohinga

-  He tāke hōu e whā tekau ōrau ki ngā moni whiwhi kotahi rau rima tekau mano tāra ia tau

"Our policy will raise 360 odd thousand whānau above the poverty line," tā te Mema Pāremata Kākāriki Metiria Turei.

"It's the first step there is still more that needs to happen, but we can end poverty in the first term of a new government as long as the Greens are strong in that government."

"Unless you've actually lived that life and understand the true hardships of what that is, you will never understand why the compassion to reach out and help these people and tax them much higher is really important to people at grass roots level," e mea ana tētahi kainoho i Otara Tina Barnett.

Mai i te marama o Hurae, kua heke iho ngā tatauranga pōti mō Ngā Kākāriki whai muri i te whāki atu a tō rātou kaiārahi o mua a Metiria Turei nāna i rūkahu i a ia e whiwhi penihana ana me tōna wāhi noho ki te rēhita kōwhiringa pōti. Wheoi hei tā ngā tatauranga hōu, tōna rima ōrau te tautoko kia kuhu ai ki roto i te whare mīere.

"Despite dipping for a bit, is that more and more whānau are saying yes ending poverty is our priority," tā Turei.

"Give us their party vote so we can eliminate poverty," tā Davidson.

E ono anake ngā rā kei te toe ki te kōwhiringa pōti hei reira mōhio ai tātou mēnā āe rānei kāo rānei kua rahi te tautoko kia noho tonu ai rātou ki rō pāremata.