National | Aboriginal

Aboriginal and Māori dances combine for ANZAC

This year, ANZAC celebrations in Perth will see the Aboriginal Corroboree and haka take a united stand. Both indigenous peoples will present a ceremonial dance at Kings Park on the 25th of April. Tutor of the haka group, Jamie Schuster says the haka was composed specifically for the event and they've already held three sessions with both Aboriginal and Māori participants as part of their preparations.

"There's a welcome to land, there's a smoking ceremony then it follows through, it's almost like a welcoming on to their land, using that tikanga we've navigated that idea into the story and then bringing forth a new haka that we have created," says Schuster.

New Zealand born, Schuster has established himself in Western Australia and is part of the Haka for Life Charity Fundraiser for Preventing Rangatahi Suicide. Noongar man Ash Penfold responded to the call from the Australian-based Māori community and has since gathered hundreds of supporters. The performance will play out at 7 am on the morning of Anzac.