Ngāti Korokī Kahukura environmentalists have joined forces with the organisers of the National Waka Ama Sprint Championships for the second year to combat the spread of invasive gold clams from Lake Karāpiro in the Waikato.
Ngāti Korokī Kahukura descendant Poto Davies, an expert in environmental governance, is leading efforts to protect neighbouring waterways from the damaging infestation.
Davies says the Gold Clam, a freshwater species native to East Asia, is very adaptable and difficult to eradicate and can be damaging to the native tuna population.
“A single shell can live in a moist place for up to a month.”
“Ko Karāpiro te rohe o te tuna. Ehara he tuna, kāore he mana ki a mātou o Ngāti Korokī Kahukura.”

In response, organisers have partnered with local iwi to enforce strict biosecurity guidelines for all participants. These measures ensure that no equipment, clothing, or paddlers carry the invasive species into or out of the lake.
Davies says everyone who uses the lake should be aware of the issue.
“We have a responsibility to protect Lake Karāpiro, which is a taonga to our people.”
“Be diligent. Go home and wash your clothes in hot water, because that is guaranteed to kill.”
He nui ngā mahi whakapaipai
Hei whakawhāiti i te horapa o te tuangi nei, me āta whakapai noa ngā kaihoe i ngā waka me ngā hoe, ā, ka whakamātauria ngā waka katoa i mua i te whakamānutanga ō rātou ki te wai. Ka mutu, he wāhi kua whakatūria huri noa i Karāpiro, hei whakapaipai i ngā taputapu katoa.

E whakapau kaha ana ngā kaiwhakahaere ki te whakahaumaru i ngā wai o Karāpiro me te whakahaere i te whakataetae i runga i te tika. Kei te whai whakaaro hoki rātou ki te hauora o te wai, nā reira, e tohutohu ana rātou i te tangata, kia kaua rawa rātou e kaukau ki roto i te wai.
Nō te tuawaru o Hanuere, whakamātauria ai ngā wai o te roto o Karāpiro. E ai ki aua whakamātautau, he pai noa ngā wai kia kaukau te tangata ki roto.