National | Awanui Black

E whai ana a Mark Black kia whakawāteahia te ingoa o tana teina, o Awanui

Kei te whai a Mark Black kia whakawāteahia te ingoa o tana teina, o Awanui Black i ngā whakapae taitōkai tamariki. He whakapāha anō hoki e kimihia ana i te hoa rangatira ō-mua o tana teina, i a Ani Black, te kai-whakaputa i ngā whakapae ki te ao.

Kia mutu rāno te kōrorirori i ngā whakapae kua whiua ki tōna teina, ko te whāinga matua o Mark Black.

“It will be good if we could have some sort of basis to these allegations,” he said.

“At the moment there isn't any. All it is, is allegation”

Ko ngā whakawhiu i pōhia e tōna hoa rangatira o mua e Ani Black ki a pukamata i te marama o Hurae, engari, kua tangohia, wheoi e kimi whakautu tonu ana rātou ko tōna whānau.

“I would like to say to Anihera that I don't understand why you've done what you've done, but I don't hate you.”

“There must be a reason, I don't know what that reason is. You want the truth, I want the truth, my whānau want the truth, and it will come out under investigation.”

Ināianei e rapu rongoā ana ratou i te ture, wheoi tē taea te anga whakamua nā te rangahau tonu o ngā pirihimana.

“The irrefutable proof so far hasn't come forward. Nothing has actually come forward to the best of my knowledge.”

I kōrero atu a Black me tana tautoko mō tōna teina e toru wiki ki muri, ā, ka pouri ia ki a rātou mā kua pā atu ki ngā whakapae.

“There he was on tv with no defence.  Allegations fired at him, allegations fired at his friends. And his friends, people were starting to look sideways at him because of association, tarred with the same brush.”

E haere tonu ana te rangahau i ngā pirihimana.