Join us live as the Kiingitanga and iwi from around the country arrive at the treaty grounds for Waitangi celebrations.
The pōwhiri will commence today at 2 pm, marking the first Waitangi celebration that the Kiingitanga will participate in with their new Queen, Te Arikinui Kuini Nga wai hono i te po, following the passing of her late father, Kiingi Tuheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII, in late August last year.
On Monday, hundreds of manuhiri welcomed onto Te Tiriti o Waitangi marae for the reopening of its wharenui.
The marae has been closed due to the refurbishment of the wharenui, led by a local carver, Lani Kingston-Apiata.
Tomorrow, members of parliament will arrive at the grounds for an 11 am pōwhiri.
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon will not be there in person, as he is in Akaroa being hosted by Ngāi Tahu, but his coalition partners Winston Peters and David Seymour will be in Te Tai Tokerau.
3.10 PM
That concludes Day One of Waitangi 2025. Join us again tomorrow at 9:50 am for Day Two, when politicians arrive at Te Papa Whenua o Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
2.35 PM
Watch the whaikōrero live here:
2.25 PM

2.15 PM
The pōwhiri begins, and Kiingitanga is being invited onto Te Papa Whenua o Te Tiriti o Waitangi.

2.05 PM
“Kāore he aha ki ahau.” Te whakautu a Hilda Halkyard Harawira mō te kore tae atu a te Pirimia ki Waitangi.
Kai te kōrero atu a Te Kawa Paora o Aukaha News ki a Hilda Halkyard-Harawira mō ngā tāipitopito o te wā.
Hai tā Hilda, kua eke te wā kia poipoi, kia āwhina i te whanaketanga o ngā rangatahi kia eke ki te pae. Ka mutu, ko te kore tae atu a te Pirimia ki Waitangi i tēnei tau kua kōrerotia.
Hai tāna, kāre ia i aro atu ki tērā korenga o te kanohi o Pāremata.
“Ahakoa ka haere ia ki hea, kei reira te reo o ngā Māori e akiaki ana mō Te Tiriti.”
No matter where he goes, there will be Māori there fighting for Te Tiriti.
2 PM
Pōwhiri is about to begin.

1.45 PM
Rahui Papa has arrived to Te Papa Whenua o Te Tiriti o Waitangi. He spoke with Aukaha News reporter Te Kawa Paora.
1.37 PM
Biggest hāngī laid in almost 80 years.
He mea whakaora i ngā tikanga kai a te Māori, ka whāngai hoki i te 10,000 tāngata ki te kai.
Renowned chef Joe McLeod has led what is believed to be the biggest hāngī laid in almost 80 years, yesterday, kicking off Waitangi Week celebrations and the reopening of the whare tūpuna at Te Tiriti o Waitangi Marae.
Orchestrating the massive hāngī feast was no easy feat. McLeod says this is the largest hāngī served since the return of the 28th Māori Battalion in 1946.
“Koinei tētahi o aku mahi i whai ake ai te hokinga mai o ngā hōia i Pōneke, i reira i whakatuwhera i tētahi hākari nunui mō te rōpū i hoki mai, te rōpū i haere ki te mihi atu ki a rātou mō te hokinga mai o Te Hokowhitu-a-Tu.
“Āe, tekau mano ngā tāngata i reira, koinā te last time i tunuhia he umu mō tēnā rahi mō te iwi Māori i tērā wā. Koinei te wā tuarua mō te umu hākari mō te tangata, tekau mano tangata mō te hākari,” says McLeod
1.30 PM
Eru Kapa Kingi talks to Te Ao Māori News reporter Tumamao Hawawira.
1.25 PM
Te Ao Māori News reporter Tumamao Hawawira has a quick kōrero with Dame Nadia Glavish.
1.20 PM
800 paddlers strong, prepared and set for Waitangi
Kua rite ngā kaihoe e 800 ki Waitangi.
Ko Joe Conrad o Muriwhenua, te kaihautū o te waka tauā pakeke ake, arā ko Ngātokimatawhaorua.
He mea tuku iho ki a ia e te mātanga whakatere waka, e Hekenukumai Busby, ā, kua tīmata tana pupuri i te kakau o te hoe i te tau 1973.
Ko te taenga mai o te Kuīni o Ingārang i te tau 1974 ki Waitangi, te take i eke atu ia ki te hoe waka, ā, i reira hoki i whakahoungia ai te waka rongonui nei a Ngātokimatawhaorua.
Hai tāna, kua huri te ao, nā reira, me huri hoki ko ngā tikanga.
“We slowly evolved right up to today. The waka has been a huge influence in mental health healing process, giving our young Māori boys and Māori kids a way to find their way in this world, I suppose, and become important or productive within the community,” he says.
1.10 PM
Te Ao Māori News reporter Tumamao Hawawira talks to Hohepa ‘the Hori’ Thompson at the Waitangi grounds.
12.55 PM
Nau mai anō ki ngā kōrero arorangi o te wā atu i Te Papa Whenua o Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Follow us here with live updates as we bring you coverage from Waitangi Treaty Grounds.